New Sun Rising
Business mentor (Launch Wilkinsburg program), meeting facilitation (Launch program, and Nonprofit resiliency program) , curriculum creation (Nonprofit resiliency program)

Omicelo Cares
Business mentor, Money mindset perception specialist, meeting facilitator, curriculum development ( Realestate Copowerement Series)

Small Business Specialist, meeting facilitator, business mentor

Mansmann Foundation
Small business specialist, meeting facilitator, business mentor, money mindset specialist, curriculum creation

Bayer Center for NonProfit Management
Bayer Center Board Works Facilitator
A customized half-day retreat led by a governance facilitator, informed by a board survey, interviews with the board chair and the CEO/ED, and a governance assessment.
Executive Service Corps
The Executive Service Corps uses the skills of experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated volunteer professionals to help nonprofits design targeted solutions to their challenges and opportunities, including BoardsWork! facilitation and SkillShare project management.