As small business owners we develop a lot of problem solving skills over the course of our lives. We tend to be jacks of all trades. We pride ourselves on our ability to come up with the solution to any issue. But the solutions we have are limited — limited by the problems we’ve faced […]
The Dark Side of Self Worth
Being a solo entrepreneur is difficult — to say the least. Every aspect of your business relies on your actions, your decisions, and your leadership. Fully engaging as the leader of your business can be especially difficult if your self-worth is a little beaten up. How can you successfully promote your business if you find […]
The fluid nature of boundaries
A lot has changed during this pandemic year. We’ve all had to be flexible and make adjustments here and there. There have been closures. You or your clients may have had to take on homeschooling, childcare, or in some cases parental care when senior centers or assisted living situations became too dangerous. We’ve made some […]
Procrastination as a symptom
To put it mildly, the last year has been a lot. Many of us have been working in the unknown, battling uncertainty — in our personal lives and business lives — every single day. Even if we don’t want to say it, we’ve been dealing with fear. It can be easier to put things off […]
What is an accidental entrepreneur?
When we ask our clients why they started their business, the answer is usually that they had a passion. A talent or service they wanted to share with the world. They didn’t necessarily have a business plan put together, but they’ve started to succeed a bit and are coming up against some challenges. Let’s look […]