You’ve probably heard the word “resiliency” a lot these days – it’s become quite the leadership buzzword. However, there’s more to it than that. Let’s get into it.
When you’re practicing resiliency, you’re operating in a forward thinking mindset. You’re running different scenarios in your mind, constructively imagining what kind of challenges may arise and how you can respond. The goal of this practice is to build a mindset that’s effective for problem solving. By building up your resiliency skills, you’re less likely to react to a problem and more likely to think it through.
There’s an old woodsmans’ adage that goes “the more you know the less you carry.” Translation: the better mentally prepared you are for different situations, the less gear you’ll need. As you work to build your flexible, resilient mindset, you’re putting tools in your mental toolbox. When a problem pops up, you’ll find that you have exactly what you need to address it. Plus, a side effect of practicing resiliency is that you’ll also build confidence in yourself and your decision making skills.
Here’s my recommendation for you today: practice a little resiliency every time a challenge comes up. Learn from it and put steps in place to prevent it from happening in the future. Then take a look around your business and see if you can find similar vulnerabilities. That’ll give you the opportunity to deal with those situations before they arise and make a game plan for what to do if something comparable happens. Embrace being a lifelong learner and you’ll automatically build a more resilient mindset.
How have you adapted as you’ve become a better problem solver over the years? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!